Saturday, September 19, 2015

My Player Family Lineage

Several readers of this new blog inquired as to my relationship with US immigrant ancestor William Warner Player mentioned in Madelyn Player's The Legacy of William Warner Player 1793-1994 (Salt Lake City: Publishers Press, 1993). Available as follows: - to purchase a copy of the used book:
Order microfilm through your local LDS Family History Center:

IMAGE: William Warner Player

William Warner Player (1793-1873) m. Zillah Saunders (1788-1867) He was the son of Charles Player and his wife Anne Warner.
IMAGE: Charles Warner Player.

Charles Warner Player (1827-1884) m. Betsey Oades (1829-1912)

IMAGE: Alma Oades Player

Alma Oades Player (1862-1929) m, Mary Elizabeth Wright (1862-1903)
Shirley "Shirl" Player (1888-1942) m. Myrtle Eliza Weiser (1895-1972)

IMAGE: Glen S. Player, MD, circa 1943.

My father Glen S, Player, MD.


    1. My ancestors are also Player's, but my family is through William Warner's daughter, Zillah.(Charles sister).

      William Warner Player is my 4th Great Grandfather on my paternal side.
      - Zillah Player/Joseph William Allan
      - Charles Edward Allan/Elizabeth Watkins
      - Hannah Allan/John Thomas Barker
      - John Leo Barker is my Father,
      and I am Diane Barker McCurdy.

      It seems then that we are in the same generation away from William Warner Player!

      Thanks for all you do!

      1. Well, hello cousin! Your picture is familiar. Perhaps we can collaborate. Are you a blogger? I'd be interested in having you post pictures and stories from your side of the family. This would be wonderful.
